GIS and Spatial Humanities Reading Group

When: Monday, 29th January, 3:00 – 4:30pm

Venue: Galbraith Seminar Room, Trinity Long Room Hub

The Trinity College Dublin Centre for Digital Humanities is pleased to announce the first installment of the GIS and Spatial Humanities Reading Group.  The reading group is an initiative of Dr. James Smith, a Visiting Research Fellow at the Trinity Long Room Hub.

The aims of the reading group are to a) read and discuss important theoretical and practical articles on GIS and Spatial Humanities and b) provide a clinic format in the second half of the session in which to discuss problems and approaches in member projects.

The group is open to faculty, staff, researchers and postgraduate students with an interest in the fields of Spatial Humanities and Digital Humanities.

The first reading is ‘Toward the Spatial Turn’, Chapter Two of Charles Travis’ Abstract Machines: Humanities GIS. 

*** Places are limited, please email if you would like to participate ***