Find workshop details for the Hilary Term 2018 below, and a registration form further down:
Workshop One: Managing Digital Sources in the Humanities
Instructors: Dr Jennifer Edmond and Vicky Garnett
Date: 13th February 2018
Time: 9:30-13:00
In this workshop, participants will be encouraged to examine their own scholarly practices and those of others, refining our responses to the fundamental question: “what are Humanities research data?” The modes by which the digital disrupts traditional methodologies in the Humanities will be explored in detail, as will the ways in which Humanities methods and practices have changed to respond to digital research data. The session will combine lecture and discussion with a hands-on exercise in evaluating diverse Humanities sources, testing our ability to identify and to extract Humanities research data, and to respond to such objects in a way that reflects their digital nature.
Workshop Two: Introduction to Text Analysis with R
Instructors: Dr Salvador Ros
Date: 13th March 2018
Time: 9:00-13:00
This workshop provides an introduction to the theories, practices and methods for quantitative analysis in the Humanities using the R programming language. The workshop is divided into three parts during which students will be introduced to the key concepts and techniques of microanalysis (the study of one text), mesoanalysis (the study of a small corpus) and macroanalysis (the study of a large corpus). The workshop combines lectures and discussion with practical hands-on exercises. No previous experience with digital text is assumed.
Recommended Reading: Jockers, Matthew. (2014) Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature. Springer International: Springer.
Workshop Three: Putting Your Humanities Content Online
Instructors: Dr. Christoph Schmidt and Arlene Healy
Date: 20th March 2018 (TBC)
Time: 9:00-13:00
This workshop is offered by staff at the Library of Trinity College Dublin and they will introduce methods of planning and organisation to ensure successful online publication and archiving of digital projects. Participants will learn about best practices in, as well as pragmatic tips and tricks for such key topics as: digitisation; lifecycle management of digital objects; descriptive metadata; and copyright identification.
Workshop Four: Defining Digital Humanities
Instructor: Dr Michelle Doran
Date: 03rd April 2018 Please note that this workshop has been rescheduled and will now take place on Wed 18th April 2018.
Time: 9:00-13:00
What constitutes digital humanities (or what constitutes the digital humanities) is a question to which the multiplicity of answers now comprises a genre. The answer to this question largely depends on how we define the relationships between digital humanities and the traditional humanities disciplines, as well as the emerging humanities disciplines and the natural sciences (including computational science). Exploratory rather than prescriptive in style, this workshop will ask participants to define Digital Humanities as it relates to their own scholarly identities, disciplines, sources and research methodologies. Theoretical debates and challenges in the field will be discussed throughout this workshop which concludes the Digital Scholarship and Skills workshop series for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Details of the module assessment, including submission dates, are available here: Digital Scholarship and Skills Module Assessment Hilary Term 2018
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